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Christie’s & Hyundai Card celebrate the legacy of the two greatest artists of America in Seoul

‘Heads On’ will feature some thought-provoking and enthralling artworks by Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat.

The most striking artist duo Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol met in the year 1982. The two revolutionary artistic minds came together and enchanted the art world with their distinctive perception and creative relationship.

Andy Warhol Self Portrait

Andy Warhol’s Self-Portrait.

In addition to their mind-blowing collaborations, both made an impact on each other’s work. Some of the most significant works by the two legends will make their way to Seoul for the first time in three decades. Christie’s and Hyundai Card – a leading credit card issuer in South Korea – will present a joint exhibition of these two 20th-century art giants, titled ‘Heads On – Basquiat & Warhol’, in Seoul.

The show, which coincides with Frieze Seoul and the Kiaf art festival, contributes to a significant moment for South Korean art and is evidence of Christie’s ongoing dedication to empowering and advancing the nation’s vibrant art scene.

Jean-Michel Basquiat Self Portrait

Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Self-Portrait.

The collection will feature some of the exceptional artworks by Mr. Basquiat alongside iconic motifs by Mr. Warhol, including his self-portrait, from their very short-lived and highly impactful friendship (1981 – 1984). A highlight of the collection featured in the exhibition is Mr. Basquiat’s ‘Warrior,’ the most valuable Western artwork ever sold at auction in Asia for US$41.9 million.

Expressing excitement over the significant moment, Hak Jun Lee, General Manager, Christie’s Korea, added, “We are very honored to work with Hyundai Card to stage this remarkable display of Basquiat and Warhol’s seminal works at STORAGE, nestled in one of the most dynamic art hotspots in Seoul. This collaborative initiative will provide an unparalleled opportunity for our discerning collectors and the broader public to immerse themselves in the magnificent oeuvres of these two revolutionary artists.”

Jean-Michel Basquiat Warrior

Jean-Michel Basquiat’s Warrior.

South Korea has been increasingly inviting international brands and artists to their shores in recent times. With an uptick in the population of high-net worth individuals in the country, South Korea is ripe for investment by luxury brands.

The ‘Heads On’ exhibition will take place at Storage by Hyundai Card from September 5 to 7.